Fasting Fundamentals

Oak Room

Intermittent fasting is a popular topic right now in the wellness community. Should you be fasting, and what is the best way to do it? In this seminar, dietitian Katheryn Scauzzo will describe the basics of fasting, the benefits of abstaining from food for a period of time, and the best techniques for voluntary food restriction. She will also emphasize the importance of fasting under the supervision of a medical professional or registered dietitian for optimal safety.


A Dietitian’s Guide to Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

We’re quickly approaching that time of year when we’re surrounded by food. During the holiday season, nearly every party has a spread of unhealthy, calorie-laden desserts and comfort foods. It can be hard to stick with a healthy meal plan when there are so many heavy dishes, processed snacks, and sweet treats bombarding us from all sides. In this webinar, dietitian Christaney Townsend will discuss the ways you can nourish yourself with healthy foods while still enjoying some of your holiday favorites in moderation without feeling guilty. She will emphasize the importance of meal prepping, making a food plan, indulging wisely, and eating mindfully, among other tips for maintaining your nutrition during the holidays.
