Functional Fitness Assessment (Adult or Youth)


60 Minutes / $165

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service.

This functional fitness test evaluates your body composition, flexibility, agility and dynamic balance, coordination, strength, and endurance. Results are used to make recommendations to enhance your physical performance and fitness. This assessment includes a full Body Composition Analysis.

Body Composition Analysis


25 Minutes / $65

Available to all membership levels.

Focus on being lean, rather than light. The ratio of fat to lean tissue in your body is a critical factor in maintaining your health, increasing vitality, and improving sports performance. Get an accurate reading of your body composition with this simple, non-invasive assessment. You will receive expert guidance in interpreting your results and setting healthy goals. This is a great tool to get a baseline assessment of your body composition before you start a fitness or nutrition plan, to help you track your progress during the plan, and to evaluate your improvement after the plan ends.


Personal Training

Virtual or at PALM


55 Minutes / $102


55 Minutes / $73 per person
10-Pack of 30-Minute Sessions / $657 per person


55 Minutes / $52 per person

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service (55-Minute Private 1:1 Session only).

Get and stay motivated with your own personal trainer. Studies show that people are more likely to stay on the path to fitness and achieve goals when they work with a trainer regularly. Your trainer will help you put your personalized plan into action and keep you safe by monitoring your technique and form.

30-Minute Personal Training Boost

Virtual or at PALM


30 Minutes / $65


30 Minutes / $46 per person
10-Pack of 30-Minute Sessions / $414 per person


30 Minutes / $35 per person

Available to all membership levels.

Short on time? Find it difficult to squeeze in a workout with a pro? Need help staying on track? An hour workout is too long? Want a boost before your Pilates class? These 30-minute private training sessions are for you!

Flow / Pilates Mat / Neuroplasticity

Virtual or at PALM


55 Minutes / $102


55 Minutes / $73 per person

Available to all membership levels. Choice Pack Service (55-Minute Private 1:1 Session only).

Our Flow private sessions offer individual attention and support to optimize your practice, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Improve your position, alignment, and breathwork under the guidance of our experts.

Our Pilates private sessions use mat exercises to increase core strength, mobility, and flexibility. This Pilates session is designed to enhance strength, posture, mobility, and flexibility. Our trainers will work with you privately to correct your form and encourage your progress towards reaching an improved level of physical strength and mental awareness.

Our Neuroplasticity private sessions use rhythm and coordination exercises to bilaterally activate and stimulate the brain’s natural ability to form new connections, which promotes creativity and helps people adapt to changes in one’s environment and physical condition.

personalized medicine + wellness