The Rising Tide of Autoimmune Disease

Oak Room

Autoimmune disease is on the rise and is second to heart disease in healthcare costs. In this Lunch and Learn, The Rising Tide of Autoimmune Disease, Dr. Varsha Rathod will help summarize the causes and upstream mechanisms of autoimmune disease, as well as what you can do to help yourself. Some thought-provoking ideas will be presented. $38 for members and their guests. Register through our class schedule on the PALM app.


Lunch and Learn: Hot Topics in Functional Medicine

Oak Room

In this Lunch and Learn, Hot Topics in Functional Medicine: From Gut Health to Chronic Disease, Dr. Scott Jamison will present the latest trends and critical topics in health today, including autoimmune issues, SIBO, intermittent fasting, the gut-thyroid connection, cancer, and much more. He will discuss how functional medicine can help individuals get to the root cause of their health challenges and will review the core foundations and applications of this systems-based approach to medicine.


Nutrition for Immune Support

Oak Room

As flu and cold season approaches, maintaining the health of the immune system is vitally important. In this seminar, registered dietitian Katheryn Scauzzo will address proper nutrition for enhancing and supporting the immune system to help prevent winter illnesses and to stay as healthy as possible through the coldest months of the year.


Unexplained Symptoms

Oak Room

Do you have unexplained symptoms such as hives, dizziness, wheezing, or generalized inflammation? Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) could be the reason. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Scott Jamison will introduce the emerging topic of MCAS and the role that abnormal mast cell function can play in producing complicated chronic disease states. MCAS may be an explanation for patients with chronic, previously undiagnosed medical symptoms. Dr. Jamison will discuss treatment standards as well as the importance of taking an individualized care approach, as each person’s symptoms manifest uniquely.


Staying Healthy in the Face of COVID-19

Amid all the buzz about COVID-19, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. Tune into a live webinar panel discussion on Friday with PALM Health physicians, who will address the current state of COVID-19, discuss what we know about the virus from a medical perspective, give recommendations for preventing its spread, and answer live questions from the audience as they come in through social media.


The Link Between Digestion and Immune Health

Could your digestive health be compromising your immune system? Join our PALM Health functional medicine physicians for a live Zoom webinar addressing how the digestive and immune systems are related, what symptoms and signs may indicate if you have leaky gut, how the gut becomes leaky, and what you can do to treat and prevent leaky gut for better health. Send questions for the webinar ahead of time to


What We Know Now About COVID-19

There’s a lot of information circulating about COVID-19 right now. What do we know for certain? In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health physicians will address current statistics on the coronavirus, the spectrum of symptoms, medications and supplements for prevention and treatment, the status of a possible vaccination, and concerns about exposure as children head back to school.


Treating Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of risk factors that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which may increase your chance of developing serious health conditions. In this webinar, Dr. Karrie Hohn will discuss the root cause of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease and how to treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome to reduce your risk of developing further health conditions.


Sweet Heart: The Link Between Sugar and Heart Disease

If you’re thinking about buying your sweetheart a box of chocolates, you might want to think again. Refined sugars found in candy, chocolate, and desserts — even hidden in savory foods such as pasta sauce and ketchup — are at the root of chronic conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. In this webinar, cardiologist and CEO Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra explores the impact sugar has on the heart and why you may want to stick with flowers for your sweetheart.


Treating Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance, refers to a cluster of risk factors that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which may increase your chance of developing serious health conditions. In this webinar, Dr. Karrie Hohn will discuss the root cause of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease and how to treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome to reduce your risk of developing further health conditions.


Lunch and Learn: What’s Your Healthspan? How to Optimize the Aging Process

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from functional medicine physician Dr. Scott Jamison. When your body ages faster than your chronological age, it can lead to an increased risk for disease, which can impact your longevity. In his presentation, Dr. Jamison will discuss how you can find out your biological age, the key to preventing age-related diseases, and lifestyle changes you can implement now to ensure you have many healthy years ahead.
