Managing Stress in Challenging Times

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it may be time to delve deeper into your mental health to reclaim your well-being. Join Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, for a short webinar and info session about managing stress. Dr. Lester will share a 10-minute overview of our new InSight assessment and plan, which helps participants learn more about themselves, their ability to manage stress, and their current lifestyle choices that may be interfering with their resilience to life’s challenges. There will be a brief question and answer session at the end of the webinar.


Lunch and Learn: What is Well-Being, Really?

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from Dr. Kevin Cloninger, Director of Well-Being Coaching. The search for greater well-being, greater self-understanding, and greater health and happiness is as old as the hills. Wellness is much more than “self-care,” buying fitness trackers, or doing the latest fad diet, but in the current media environment it is hard to tell. In this presentation, Dr. Kevin Cloninger will look at a more expansive definition of, and approach to, wellness and what is actually needed to improve both mental and physical health. He will also discuss why there is perhaps nothing of greater importance than the search for well-being as we face the multiple overlapping crises of our times.
