Inflammation: Soothing the Fire Within You

Oak Room

Chronic inflammation is at the root of a multitude of diseases and symptoms. From conditions ranging from poor metabolism to hypothyroid to heart disease, inflammation plays a key role. In this Lunch and Learn, Sarah Bird, DNP will look at the ways inflammation develops in the body, some of the signs and symptoms of chronic inflammation, and effective strategies to decrease inflammation and optimize health.


Neurofeedback for Students

Oak Room

Students seeking to improve academic performance or students with ADHD can benefit from neurofeedback sessions, which help to improve focus, memory, and mental clarity. In this seminar, neurotherapist Ashley Wiegand will address how neurofeedback can help students reduce performance and test anxiety. Ashley will also elaborate on the Neurofeedback Student Package offered at PALM Health, for students seeking to improve their performance in school or manage their ADHD symptoms.


Getting to the Root Cause

Oak Room

What is functional medicine, and why do the physicians at PALM Health use this approach? In this seminar, Dr. Scott Jamison, an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, will explain how functional medicine gets to the root cause of illness. Dr. Jamison will address how this diagnostic approach helps resolve underlying medical conditions instead of treating individual symptoms.


Unexplained Symptoms

Oak Room

Do you have unexplained symptoms such as hives, dizziness, wheezing, or generalized inflammation? Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) could be the reason. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Scott Jamison will introduce the emerging topic of MCAS and the role that abnormal mast cell function can play in producing complicated chronic disease states. MCAS may be an explanation for patients with chronic, previously undiagnosed medical symptoms. Dr. Jamison will discuss treatment standards as well as the importance of taking an individualized care approach, as each person’s symptoms manifest uniquely.


What Should I Expect if I am Diagnosed with COVID-19?

Cases of the new coronavirus are increasing rapidly. What happens if you test positive for COVID-19? Tune into a live webinar panel discussion on Tuesday with PALM Health physicians, who will discuss what to do if you contract the virus, give recommendations for reducing the severity of your symptoms, and answer questions from the audience.


The Link Between Digestion and Immune Health

Could your digestive health be compromising your immune system? Join our PALM Health functional medicine physicians for a live Zoom webinar addressing how the digestive and immune systems are related, what symptoms and signs may indicate if you have leaky gut, how the gut becomes leaky, and what you can do to treat and prevent leaky gut for better health. Send questions for the webinar ahead of time to


What We Know Now About COVID-19

There’s a lot of information circulating about COVID-19 right now. What do we know for certain? In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health physicians will address current statistics on the coronavirus, the spectrum of symptoms, medications and supplements for prevention and treatment, the status of a possible vaccination, and concerns about exposure as children head back to school.


Treating Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of risk factors that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which may increase your chance of developing serious health conditions. In this webinar, Dr. Karrie Hohn will discuss the root cause of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease and how to treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome to reduce your risk of developing further health conditions.


Nutrition: The Underrated Preventative Medicine

Join us for an evening with Jillian Tedesco, founder and CEO of fit-flavors and Le Cordon Bleu certified chef. Jillian will tell her personal story of how Dr. Karrie Hohn and Ashley Kumar at PALM Health assisted in her healing, specifically through the Elimination Diet and figuring out the root cause of her symptoms. She will address how going through the protocol at PALM served as an inspiration for the anti-inflammatory menu items she developed at her own company, fit-flavors.
