Creative Movement for Well-Being

Oak Room

Since ancient times, creative movement has been integral to the development of humankind. In this seminar, Jessica Dycus, CWC, will explore why movement is important for our well-being and how it cultivates our potential through neuroplasticity, self-expression, and coordination with others. She will conclude with practical exercises and tools for discovering and developing creativity.


Elimination Diet Virtual Workshop

Health problems are sometimes caused by food sensitivities that the body has developed to specific foods that are eaten frequently. The Elimination Diet can help uncover the foods that are the culprits. It can also help provide a structure to heal the lining of the digestive system. In this Elimination Diet Virtual Workshop, participants will meet virtually for four consecutive Mondays from 3pm to 4pm. We ask that you commit to all four visits in this workshop.


ProLon Challenge

Ready to reset, work on your longevity, or lose weight? We invite you to participate in our ProLon Challenge, a group wellness challenge to help boost metabolism and improve cellular health. The challenge includes a 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet meal kit ($250 value), a digital book of recipes for maintaining a longevity diet post-challenge, and email encouragement throughout the week for motivation and accountability. We received special pricing on our 5-day ProLon meal kits, and we are passing the savings on to you! This month, the challenge is only $200 — the lowest price ever offered at PALM.
