Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain

Oak Room

Stem cell therapy uses the regenerative power of stem cells to treat a wide range of orthopedic conditions, including soft tissue injuries involving tendons and ligaments. Dr. Matt Bayes from BlueTail Medical Group will give an overview of stem cell therapy and the benefits of receiving this treatment.


Stretching Best Practices

Oak Room

Why is stretching so essential? What’s the best way to do it quickly and effectively? Come learn about the benefits of stretching and the most useful stretches for all the major muscle groups. Heather Walther, PT, has worked with physical therapy clients and professional athletes alike, and will help correct form and posture during this practical session. Please wear comfortable clothing to move around.


Lunch and Learn: Movement Matters

Movement is essential for life, and the quality of our movement plays a critical role in our well-being, from injury prevention, to managing pain triggers, to performance outcomes, and beyond. Movement impairments can be a primary cause of many nagging and debilitating conditions. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Jason Biondo will look at the function of the musculoskeletal system, how muscle balance influences posture, function, and injury prevention, and the role of the nervous system in conducting the symphony that is our body.


Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain

Oak Room

Stem cell therapy uses the regenerative power of stem cells to treat a wide range of orthopedic conditions, including soft tissue injuries involving tendons and ligaments. Dr. Matt Bayes from BlueTail Medical Group will give an overview of stem cell therapy and the benefits of receiving this treatment.


Chair Yoga

If you feel stiff and unstable in your daily activities, if you work out frequently but would like to expand your range of motion, or if you are completely brand-new to exercise, this sequence of stretching poses is for you. In this webinar, personal trainer Cindy Vickers takes you through a series of yoga-like exercises you can do with a hard back chair to help you stretch your body, strengthen your muscles, and develop increased flexibility and stability.
