Lunch and Learn: Harmony with Nature

Like all other species on this planet, human beings have developed in harmony with the cycles of nature. In this Lunch and Learn, our Director of Well-Being Coaching, Dr. Kevin Cloninger, will explore how nature affects human beings for better and sometimes for worse. He will discuss the healing power of nature and how an unbalanced natural environment affects people in ways they are barely—if at all—aware of. Kevin will conclude with tools and exercises to help manage these interactions.


Dopamine Detox: Separating Fact from Fiction

The latest fad in self-improvement is the so-called “dopamine detox” or “dopamine fasting.” Its proponents promise an instant “reset” of the over-stimulated brain. But what actually is dopamine and what is the science behind this fad? Is it based on a sound theory, or is it just marketing hype? In this webinar, Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, investigates the latest Silicon Valley craze and throws light on the current trends in popular mental health practices.
