Building Resilience and Adaptability for Teens

Oak Room

In an increasingly difficult world, it is important for parents and teens to understand how to cope with stress, anxiety, and pressures to achieve. In this seminar with Julie Geeting, mental health counselor and coach, learn more about what builds resilience and adaptability and how parents can help their teenage children.


Managing Stress in Challenging Times

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it may be time to delve deeper into your mental health to reclaim your well-being. Join Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, for a short webinar and info session about managing stress. Dr. Lester will share a 10-minute overview of our new InSight assessment and plan, which helps participants learn more about themselves, their ability to manage stress, and their current lifestyle choices that may be interfering with their resilience to life’s challenges. There will be a brief question and answer session at the end of the webinar.


Achieving Calmness through the Heart-Mind Connection

Stress and emotions impact the heart, but the reverse is also true. Your body has the inherent power to calm down your mind when you are tense. In this webinar, cardiologist Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra discusses stress and the connection between the heart and mind. She will also address how you can tap into the heart-mind connection when you are in a state of stress.
