

Updates in November


As many of you are aware, St. Louis County has issued new guidelines that will go into effect Tuesday, November 17. I want to reassure you that your PALM team has carefully reviewed and considered these changes.

Updates in November2023-03-21T16:16:02-05:00

Outdoor Pilates & Sculpt


This fall, we’re offering a few special classes outside. Join us in the PALM parking lot for pilates and full body sculpt, weather permitting. We’ll have complimentary gifts available for all participants afterwards. Class size is limited to 20 participants, so sign up soon!

Outdoor Pilates & Sculpt2020-09-25T10:51:31-05:00

Special Outdoor Classes


This fall, we’re offering a few special classes out in nature! Join us in the PALM parking lot this month for boxing, yoga, pilates, and full body sculpt, weather permitting. We’ll have complimentary gifts available for all participants afterwards. Class size is limited to 20 participants, so sign up soon!

Special Outdoor Classes2020-09-04T16:47:23-05:00

Virtual Painting Camp


In this five-day painting camp with Art for Well-Being instructor Maria Ojascastro, participants will take inspiration from master artists and learn techniques that they can use long after camp is over. Supplies needed: please pull from your stash or purchase the following: tempera or acrylic paint, brushes, palette knife, palette, plastic bag to cover the table, white paper, five canvas boards, scissors, glue stick, magazines, pencil, eraser, painters tape, or masking tape.

Virtual Painting Camp2020-06-10T17:01:41-05:00

Lymphatic Drainage


If you are prone to fluid retention or if you experience swelling in your arms and legs, it could be a sign of poor lymphatic drainage. In this seminar, massage therapist Bronson Thorn will explain how lymphatic massages can help rid the body of toxins and restore balance to the lymph system, part of the body’s immune system that helps fight infection. Bronson will also highlight the benefits of using castor oil packs and demonstrate proper dry brushing techniques.

Lymphatic Drainage2020-03-03T11:20:20-06:00

Basic Life Support Workshop


Learn life-saving skills in this friends and family CPR course. Participants will learn what to do when an adult, child, or infant is choking, as well as how to use CPR to help an adult, child, or infant in sudden cardiac arrest. This is a great workshop for parents and grandparents to learn the basics of CPR and other emergency lifesaving techniques. This program does not include AED training and will not provide a CPR course completion card; however, participants may download a certificate of participation.

Basic Life Support Workshop2020-01-30T16:11:23-06:00

Art for All Ages


In this art workshop, adults and their child(ren) will partner to create a pop-up book based on an animal. Beginners are invited to start with a dog, cat, or duck. More confident artists are welcome to challenge themselves with a rabbit, monkey, peacock, or animal of their choosing. Join Art for Well-Being instructor, Maria Ojascastro, for an hour and a half of creativity. Tea, kombucha, and light snacks will be provided.

Art for All Ages2019-09-26T20:41:23-05:00

Building Resilience and Adaptability for Teens


In an increasingly difficult world, it is important for parents and teens to understand how to cope with stress, anxiety, and pressures to achieve. In this seminar with Julie Geeting, mental health counselor and coach, learn more about what builds resilience and adaptability and how parents can help their teenage children.

Building Resilience and Adaptability for Teens2019-09-25T14:08:47-05:00

Meditation with the Wolves


Ever wonder why meditation retreats are often found in the mountains or deep in the forest? Outdoor meditation activates the senses, making us more aware of our surroundings and distancing us from the stresses of daily life. Deepen your mindfulness and awareness of nature with an experiential meditation session in the stunning open-air environment of the Endangered Wolf Center in Eureka, Missouri.

Meditation with the Wolves2019-08-01T11:16:19-05:00

Creative Movement for Well-Being


Since ancient times, creative movement has been integral to the development of humankind. In this seminar, Jessica Dycus, CWC, will explore why movement is important for our well-being and how it cultivates our potential through neuroplasticity, self-expression, and coordination with others. She will conclude with practical exercises and tools for discovering and developing creativity.

Creative Movement for Well-Being2019-06-24T08:05:06-05:00

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