
Blog Articles

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Welcome to the PALM Health Blog! Here we share provider insights, articles, and tips on how to maintain and sustain total well-being. If you would like us to address a particular topic, please contact us.

Acupuncture: How it Actually Stimulates Healing in Your Body

You’ve probably heard of acupuncture before, or even have some experience with it. You may have wondered, why are needles used? What do they do? Does it hurt? It may seem like an intimidating treatment at first glance, but the benefits of acupuncture and acupressure extend far beyond what you might think — and so does the science behind it.

July 18th, 2023|Functional Medicine|

Improve Your Longevity with These 8 Services

“Longevity” has become something of a buzzword in the health and wellness space. So what is it? Longevity is, by definition, a long life or existence. When we talk about longevity as it relates to health and wellness, specifically, we are referring to the length of your years when your body and mind are as healthy, fit, and high-functioning as possible.

July 13th, 2023|Functional Medicine|

How Your Lifestyle Can Make You Age Faster – And How to Reverse It

Have you ever met someone who looks and moves like they are in their 30s, then been surprised to learn they are actually in their 50s? We all know people who seem much younger than they really are, but why is that? Everyone has a chronological age (how old you are). But, you also have a biological age, which is a representation of how quickly your body’s cellular and molecular functions are deteriorating.

July 11th, 2023|Functional Medicine|

Food for a Healthier Brain: 4 Nutrients to Look For

Did you know that the food you eat affects your cognitive health? Your gut and your brain are connected through your vagus nerve, one of your main parasympathetic nerves. We call this the “gut-brain axis.” Through the gut-brain axis, your gut and your brain are in constant communication with each other and influence one another.

June 12th, 2023|Functional Medicine|

The Key to Changing Unhealthy Thought Patterns

“Cultivation of the mind is as necessary as food to the body.” As the philosopher Cicero implied in this quote, there are ways to nourish your body, and there are equally important ways to nourish your mind. You probably know how important it is to pay attention to what you’re putting in your body — if your diet is rich with nutritionally dense foods like vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats, your gut will be healthier, your brain will function better, and your risk of chronic disease will decrease. In short, you have to feed your body well in order to thrive and grow in health. The same goes for your mind and your thoughts.

May 17th, 2023|Functional Medicine|
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