Young at Heart: Biohacking Your Cardiovascular System

Oak Room

In this Lunch and Learn, cardiologist Dr. Michael Twyman will address specific biohacks to optimize the health of the heart and circulatory system. He will focus on issues such as heart rate variability, recovery between workouts, seasonal nutrition, getting adequate sleep, limiting nighttime blue light and technology exposure, and other topics related to mitochondrial medicine and biohacking.


Achieving Calmness through the Heart-Mind Connection

Stress and emotions impact the heart, but the reverse is also true. Your body has the inherent power to calm down your mind when you are tense. In this webinar, cardiologist Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra discusses stress and the connection between the heart and mind. She will also address how you can tap into the heart-mind connection when you are in a state of stress.


Achieving Calmness through the Heart-Mind Connection

Stress and emotions impact the heart, but the reverse is also true. Your body has the inherent power to calm down your mind when you are tense. In this webinar, cardiologist Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra discusses stress and the connection between the heart and mind. She will also address how you can tap into the heart-mind connection when you are in a state of stress.
