Lunch and Learn: Understanding Spine Health: From Pain to Performance

Oak Room

Low back pain is considered one of the leading causes of musculoskeletal disability worldwide, affecting both work and everyday life demands. The reality is, there is no single approach that will help cure everyone’s low back ailments, because we are all unique individuals with different makeups and demands. This Lunch and Learn will focus on scientific principles that help you understand motions, postures, and loads and how they influence spine health and function. It will carve out an understanding for different mechanisms of injury, how to overcome poor spine health, and effective exercises, strategies, habits, and routines for a stronger and more stable spine.


Harmonizing Your Body with the Seasons

Oak Room

In this Lunch and Learn with Dr. David Trybus, our chiropractor and acupuncturist, learn how to support the body in the annual transitions between the five elements and the five seasons. Dr. Trybus will discuss the relationship between the times of the year and the body’s muscles and organs, while recommending beneficial habits to implement for each season.


Lunch and Learn: Movement Matters

Movement is essential for life, and the quality of our movement plays a critical role in our well-being, from injury prevention, to managing pain triggers, to performance outcomes, and beyond. Movement impairments can be a primary cause of many nagging and debilitating conditions. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Jason Biondo will look at the function of the musculoskeletal system, how muscle balance influences posture, function, and injury prevention, and the role of the nervous system in conducting the symphony that is our body.


Full Body Detox

With increased exposure to pollutants, the human body is more challenged than ever before to sustain well-being. In this webinar, Dr. Emily Guilfoy, Wellness Therapies Lead, Chiropractor, and Acupuncturist at PALM Health, will explore ways to support the body’s natural detoxification pathways and how to incorporate these practices into your daily wellness routine.


Train, Eat, and Recover for Optimal Performance

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a competitive athlete, or just beginning a new fitness journey, having a detailed approach to your training goals is key for success. This webinar with chiropractor Dr. Jason Biondo will dive into the key elements of training, nutrition, and recovery to optimize performance and health.


Harmonizing Your Body with the Seasons

In this webinar with Dr. David Trybus — our chiropractor, acupuncturist, and energy medicine specialist — learn how to support the body in the annual transitions between the five elements and the five seasons. Dr. Trybus will discuss the relationship between the times of the year and the body’s muscles and organs while recommending beneficial habits to implement for each season.


Core Foundations: Building a Resilient Spine

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up class with Dr. Jason Biondo, chiropractor and Director of Fitness at PALM Health. This class will target movements that are foundational to building a healthy back and balanced core. Dr. Biondo will focus on spine stability, mobility, and endurance, as well as functional movements of the hips and lower body that demonstrate the kinetic linkage of the human body.
