Harmony with Nature

Oak Room

Like all other species on this planet, human beings have developed in harmony with the cycles of nature. In this seminar, our Director of Well-Being Coaching, Kevin Cloninger, PhD, PCC, will explore how nature affects human beings for better and sometimes for worse. He will also explore the healing power of nature and how an unbalanced natural environment affects people in ways they are barely—if at all—aware of. He will conclude with some tools and exercises to help manage these interactions.


Lunch and Learn: Harmony with Nature

Like all other species on this planet, human beings have developed in harmony with the cycles of nature. In this Lunch and Learn, our Director of Well-Being Coaching, Dr. Kevin Cloninger, will explore how nature affects human beings for better and sometimes for worse. He will discuss the healing power of nature and how an unbalanced natural environment affects people in ways they are barely—if at all—aware of. Kevin will conclude with tools and exercises to help manage these interactions.


Full Body Detox

With increased exposure to pollutants, the human body is more challenged than ever before to sustain well-being. In this webinar, Dr. Emily Guilfoy, Wellness Therapies Lead, Chiropractor, and Acupuncturist at PALM Health, will explore ways to support the body’s natural detoxification pathways and how to incorporate these practices into your daily wellness routine.


Meditation with the Wolves

Ever wonder why meditation retreats are often found in the mountains or deep in the forest? Outdoor meditation activates the senses, making you more aware of your surroundings and distancing you from the stresses of daily life. Deepen your mindfulness and awareness of nature with a meditation session in the stunning open-air environment of the Endangered Wolf Center in Eureka, Missouri.


Lunch and Learn: What is Well-Being, Really?

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from Dr. Kevin Cloninger, Director of Well-Being Coaching. The search for greater well-being, greater self-understanding, and greater health and happiness is as old as the hills. Wellness is much more than “self-care,” buying fitness trackers, or doing the latest fad diet, but in the current media environment it is hard to tell. In this presentation, Dr. Kevin Cloninger will look at a more expansive definition of, and approach to, wellness and what is actually needed to improve both mental and physical health. He will also discuss why there is perhaps nothing of greater importance than the search for well-being as we face the multiple overlapping crises of our times.
