Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Lotus Room MO

Where do our thoughts come from? How we can use this awareness to improve our overall health and well-being? Join Julie Geeting for a repeat of her July seminar on the process of thought, including the three steps of thought, our outlook, and the pathways in our brain. Register through our class schedule on the PALM app. Free for members and their guests.


Lunch and Learn: The Power of Perspective

Oak Room

We say that seeing is believing, but our perceptions can be distorted, and our thoughts can further amplify these distortions. Research from the Center for Well-Being at Washington University has shown that the meaning and perspective we develop in our lives has a profound impact on our physical and mental health. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Nigel Lester will explore the power of developing healthy perspectives and provide a practical guide to perceiving, reframing, and transcending problems to bring creative solutions to our everyday lives.


Achieving Calmness through the Heart-Mind Connection

Stress and emotions impact the heart, but the reverse is also true. Your body has the inherent power to calm down your mind when you are tense. In this webinar, cardiologist Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra discusses stress and the connection between the heart and mind. She will also address how you can tap into the heart-mind connection when you are in a state of stress.


Stress and the Inner Dialogue

Most of us pay much attention to the external stressors in our life — the day-to-day challenges of work and family life — but are often unaware of how the internal dialogue in our mind can not only amplify stress but be a root cause of it. In this webinar, Dr. Nigel Lester, Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, will discuss the origins, nature, and function of the ever-present inner dialogue and how we can learn to cultivate an inner narrative that works for us, not against us.


Looking Within

Most of the things we do on a given day we do on autopilot. Rarely do we take the time to stop and ask ourselves why we do what we do. Studies have shown that it is precisely this process of growing in awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that allows us to grow in freedom and happiness. Join Well-Being Coach Sarah Lewis for a discussion on the nature of thought, suggestions for becoming more aware of our thoughts, and recommendations for growing in well-being.
