Train, Eat, and Recover for Optimal Performance

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a competitive athlete, or just beginning a new fitness journey, having a detailed approach to your training goals is key for success. This webinar with chiropractor Dr. Jason Biondo will dive into the key elements of training, nutrition, and recovery to optimize performance and health.


ELDOA Class Event

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up ELDOA class with Angie Campbell, certified ELDOA trainer and yoga therapist. The ELDOA method creates space and balance in the body by using myofascial stretches and specific osteopathic techniques to improve posture, relieve pain, and prevent injury. This class is appropriate for anyone seeking to improve posture, relieve chronic or acute pain, recover from training, or enhance overall well-being.


Train, Eat, and Recover for Optimal Performance

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a competitive athlete, or just beginning a new fitness journey, having a detailed approach to your training goals is essential for success. This webinar with chiropractor Dr. Jason Biondo will dive into the key elements of training, nutrition, and recovery to optimize your exercise performance and overall health.
