Well-Rounded Fitness Plan

Oak Room

What does a complete exercise regimen look like? Katheryn Scauzzo, our fitness lead, registered dietitian, and personal trainer, will discuss the different elements that should be incorporated into a well-rounded fitness plan, such as aerobic exercise, strength training, core exercises, balance training, and stretches for flexibility.


Jumpstarting Your Fitness Routine

Oak Room

Are you finding it challenging to understand why you should develop a fitness routine or where to begin? In this seminar, personal trainers Katheryn Scauzzo and Andrew Tucker will provide motivation for individuals to start a new fitness routine and direction to develop a sound plan for implementing specific exercise goals.


Outdoor Pilates Class Event

Join us in the PALM parking lot for an outdoor Pilates Mat class with Jamie Dockman, founder of Real Core Pilates, certified personal trainer, and well-known Pilates instructor in St. Louis. This outdoor class event will include special surprise giveaways, energizing music, and an atmosphere of community and fun, weather permitting. Class size is limited to 15 participants, so sign up soon!


Chair Yoga

If you feel stiff and unstable in your daily activities, if you work out frequently but would like to expand your range of motion, or if you are completely brand-new to exercise, this sequence of stretching poses is for you. In this webinar, personal trainer Cindy Vickers takes you through a series of yoga-like exercises you can do with a hard back chair to help you stretch your body, strengthen your muscles, and develop increased flexibility and stability.


Core Foundations: Building a Resilient Spine

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up class with Dr. Jason Biondo, chiropractor and Director of Fitness at PALM Health. This class will target movements that are foundational to building a healthy back and balanced core. Dr. Biondo will focus on spine stability, mobility, and endurance, as well as functional movements of the hips and lower body that demonstrate the kinetic linkage of the human body.
