Anthropedia Well-Being Coach Q&A Session

Lotus Room MO

Attend a question and answer session about Anthropedia’s Well-Being Coach Certification Training and find out how you can help us. Anthropedia Well-Being Coaches are experts in the root causes of well-being and educators for sustainable lifestyle change. We invite you to become a Well-Being Coach to assist in addressing the needs of the whole person.


Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Lotus Room MO

Where do our thoughts come from? How we can use this awareness to improve our overall health and well-being? Join Julie Geeting for a repeat of her July seminar on the process of thought, including the three steps of thought, our outlook, and the pathways in our brain. Register through our class schedule on the PALM app. Free for members and their guests.


Renegotiating Work

Oak Room

“What do you do?” Julie Geeting, LPC, NCC, examines this simple question as a catalyst to help individuals experience greater well-being and purpose in their lives. Julie will also look at the connection between personal and professional development, incorporating research on how individuals can develop more meaning through work.


Harmony with Nature

Oak Room

Like all other species on this planet, human beings have developed in harmony with the cycles of nature. In this seminar, our Director of Well-Being Coaching, Kevin Cloninger, PhD, PCC, will explore how nature affects human beings for better and sometimes for worse. He will also explore the healing power of nature and how an unbalanced natural environment affects people in ways they are barely—if at all—aware of. He will conclude with some tools and exercises to help manage these interactions.


Lunch and Learn: The Power of Perspective

Oak Room

We say that seeing is believing, but our perceptions can be distorted, and our thoughts can further amplify these distortions. Research from the Center for Well-Being at Washington University has shown that the meaning and perspective we develop in our lives has a profound impact on our physical and mental health. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Nigel Lester will explore the power of developing healthy perspectives and provide a practical guide to perceiving, reframing, and transcending problems to bring creative solutions to our everyday lives.


Developing a Stress Skillset

Oak Room

Stress is a necessary and adaptive aspect of life. However, in today’s world, our stressors can become all-consuming. For many, vacation is the only stress management tool we know. How do we move beyond “getting away from it all” to reclaim the joy of day-to-day life? Join counselor and coach Julie Geeting to explore the spectrum of stress and how to begin redefining your relationship with it.


Building Resilience and Adaptability for Teens

Oak Room

In an increasingly difficult world, it is important for parents and teens to understand how to cope with stress, anxiety, and pressures to achieve. In this seminar with Julie Geeting, mental health counselor and coach, learn more about what builds resilience and adaptability and how parents can help their teenage children.


Looking Within

Most of the things we do on a given day we do on autopilot. Rarely do we take the time to stop and ask ourselves why we do what we do. Studies have shown that it is precisely this process of growing in awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that allows us to grow in freedom and happiness. Join Well-Being Coach Sarah Lewis for a discussion on the nature of thought, suggestions for becoming more aware of our thoughts, and recommendations for growing in well-being.


Hope, Laughter, and Levity in Times of Darkness

Join Anthropedia for a virtual evening of music, comedy, and stories that explore how we can cultivate greater hope, laughter, and levity in times of darkness. Founded by the same leadership team that created PALM Health, Anthropedia is a nonprofit organization that teaches individuals, professionals, and other nonprofits effective ways to cultivate mental health. Anthropedia helps people struggling with issues such as toxic stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression. But more than that, they help people learn how to live a good life, full of meaning and purpose, resilience, and well-being. Your donation helps Anthropedia continue its research, development, training, and coaching.
