Stretching Best Practices

Why is stretching so essential? What’s the best way to do it quickly and effectively? Learn about the benefits of stretching and the most useful stretches for all the major muscle groups. Heather Walther, PT, has worked with physical therapy clients and professional athletes alike, and will demonstrate correct form and posture in this virtual session. Follow along with each stretch from the comfort of your own home. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing to move around.


HIIT Class Event

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up HIIT class with Maggie Loida, certified personal trainer. This High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class includes a focus on explosive movements that are necessary for all-around fitness and sports such as tennis, pickleball, and running. HIIT training involves quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short recovery periods. Enjoy a challenging workout and a high-energy class in an atmosphere of community and fun.


Core Foundations: Building a Resilient Spine

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up class with Dr. Jason Biondo, chiropractor and Director of Fitness at PALM Health. This class will target movements that are foundational to building a healthy back and balanced core. Dr. Biondo will focus on spine stability, mobility, and endurance, as well as functional movements of the hips and lower body that demonstrate the kinetic linkage of the human body.


Lunch and Learn: What is Well-Being, Really?

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from Dr. Kevin Cloninger, Director of Well-Being Coaching. The search for greater well-being, greater self-understanding, and greater health and happiness is as old as the hills. Wellness is much more than “self-care,” buying fitness trackers, or doing the latest fad diet, but in the current media environment it is hard to tell. In this presentation, Dr. Kevin Cloninger will look at a more expansive definition of, and approach to, wellness and what is actually needed to improve both mental and physical health. He will also discuss why there is perhaps nothing of greater importance than the search for well-being as we face the multiple overlapping crises of our times.


Celebrating Women’s Fitness Class Event

In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, Heather Walther will teach a fitness class in the Oak Room that emphasizes the importance of variety in exercise. The first 30 minutes of the class will focus on strength training and sculpting; the next 20 minutes will incorporate yoga and stretching, and the last 10 minutes will include myofascial release. Heather will talk about her intention as a fitness instructor to help women support their body and its tissues, not beat it up or burn it out. Her goal is to help women stay as active as possible for as long as possible, avoiding injury and loving the exercise they do along the way.


Balanced Fitness Class Event

In this pop-up class event, personal trainer Brent Haddock will take you through 30 minutes of strength training exercises and 30 minutes of stretching. These foundational strengthening and stretching movements form the building blocks of a balanced exercise routine. This class will give you a taste of our Balanced Living Program for healthy and sustainable weight management (receive $200 off when you sign up in January). The class will be the same on both Saturdays.


Virtual Info Session and Q&A: The Balanced Living Program

Join Sarah Bird, DNP, one of the original creators of PALM’s Balanced Living Program, for a short virtual info session on the program, which helps participants reset their habits, lose weight, and look and feel their best. Sarah will share an overview of the Balanced Living Program, what it includes, who it’s for, and what to expect from it. She will answer questions from the audience after her presentation.


The Essentials of Exercise

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a presentation from Dr. Jason Biondo, chiropractor and Director of Fitness at PALM Health. Dr. Biondo will discuss how the different pillars of exercise — stability, strength, aerobic conditioning, and anaerobic conditioning — pertain to the health and fitness goals people often set in the new year. In addition, he will address how exercise benefits disease prevention, health span, and weight management.


Proper Form for Common Yoga Poses

Join yoga instructor Julie Funke in the Oak Room for a yoga workshop! Julie will teach the proper form for common yoga poses and correct your posture as you go through each pose. She will suggest alternate positions and adjustments to make to each pose if you have injuries or limitations. If you’re just getting into yoga or if you’ve always wondered if you’re doing it correctly, this workshop is for you!


ELDOA Class Event

Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up ELDOA class with Angie Campbell, certified ELDOA trainer and yoga therapist. The ELDOA method creates space and balance in the body by using myofascial stretches and specific osteopathic techniques to improve posture, relieve pain, and prevent injury. This class is appropriate for anyone seeking to improve posture, relieve chronic or acute pain, recover from training, or enhance overall well-being.


Yoga for Women’s Health Workshop

Join yoga instructor Julie Funke in the Oak Room for a yoga workshop! Julie will teach yoga poses that are beneficial for women’s health, especially as women age. She will correct your posture as you go through each pose and will suggest alternate positions and adjustments to make if you have injuries or limitations. No matter if you’re just getting into yoga or if you’ve been doing it for a long time, this workshop is for you!


Train, Eat, and Recover for Optimal Performance

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a competitive athlete, or just beginning a new fitness journey, having a detailed approach to your training goals is essential for success. This webinar with chiropractor Dr. Jason Biondo will dive into the key elements of training, nutrition, and recovery to optimize your exercise performance and overall health.
