Important Steps to Ensure Your Safety
Dear Members,
Your well-being is our top priority, and we remain committed to delivering quality healthcare and supporting your wellness in this unprecedented time.
Given the rising numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US and now in Missouri, PALM Health is taking additional steps to ensure the safety of our members, employees, and the community at large. Please take a moment to read the following information regarding important changes for our Center.
Updates to the PALM Medical Practice:
- PALM members requesting medical attention who report any signs of cold or flu symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, congestion, body aches, malaise, shortness of breath), will no longer be physically evaluated at PALM Health.
- These patients will be referred to local hospitals and urgent care centers who are trained in proper COVID-19 protocols for patient screening and testing, as appropriate, to be evaluated and treated. We will coordinate referring you to a suitable level of facility for your needs and help facilitate your care.
- Our team of physicians and nurses will continue to be available to speak by phone with patients experiencing cold and flu-like symptoms. To determine the best course of action, patients can call our concierge medical practice line, or our main number: 314-801-8898; press 1 for Members, and then press 3, for the Medical Practice.
- Additionally, physicians and other providers will be opening up telehealth video options for certain types of appointments in the near future (more information coming soon).
Updates to PALM’s Lifestyle and Wellness Services:
- All classes and seminars are canceled until March 30, at which time we will reassess our community risk. We are working to develop virtual options and will share those soon.
- PALM’s fitness center will remain available for independent workouts and personal training. Personal trainers will be present in the fitness areas to assist members in order to maintain safety, distancing, and thorough sanitation.
- Fitness center use must be booked, like a class, on the PALM Health app or with a receptionist. This allows us to maintain a small number of participants at any given time and to ensure adequate spacing. “Fitness Center Access” can be found under the “Classes” tab in your app.
- Infrared sauna, steam, and salt room appointments will be scheduled as individual sessions, or only with members of one’s immediate household. For Lifestyle and Total Advantage members, your existing membership benefits will include these unique sessions until further notice. For Medical and Wellness members, the usual à la carte or package pricing will apply. These sessions are still bookable on your PALM Health app. (Please remember that these are, as always, 30-minute sessions.)
PALM Health will also offer individual Infrared BioMat and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy sessions for $40 per 30-minute session. For Lifestyle and Total Advantage members, your existing membership benefits will include these unique sessions for the duration of the class cancellations. For Medical and Wellness members, the à la carte pricing will apply. - We are developing virtual options for wellness services such as personal training, coaching, and counseling.
- Orders for nutritional supplements can be placed by phone with our receptionists, or emailed to for shipment to members who prefer not to pick up orders in person.
- The PALM Café has placed “Reserved” signs on tables not for use to ensure social distancing and is also increasing capacity for servicing takeout orders for members. We are encouraging takeout orders. Please call the main number: press 1 for Members, and then press 7 for Café ordering.
- Wellness and Medical services are being staggered to minimize the number of members in the Center at any one time.
PALM’s continued policies to support you and the PALM community:
- PALM is continuing to waive the cancellation fee for any person citing cold or flu-like symptoms, or for any person who reports potential exposure to someone with COVID-19.
- For anyone wishing to cancel for any other personal reason, please continue to provide our team with 24-hour notice so we can best meet the needs of all our members.
- We continue to make provisions for our staff to work from home when possible.
- The PALM team is thoroughly wiping down PALM’s surfaces, doorknobs, locker keypads, computers, furniture, pens, and any other frequent facility touchpoints at least every 30 minutes, and between all clients.
- PALM’s strict hygienic practices also extend to employee work areas, such as sanitizing cell phones, computers, tabletops, office supplies, etc. We are grateful to our team members for adhering to and championing our high standards.
- PALM will require any employee returning from any country or domestic area under a travel advisory to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to work.
As you are aware, area schools are closing, so some employees may need time away from work to take care of their loved ones. PALM may be temporarily adapting operating hours to better manage our member and employee needs. You will remain well informed as we make any changes to our operations.
Your understanding is deeply appreciated as we work together to adapt to our quickly changing landscape. We are committed to supporting you and the St. Louis community during this challenging time.
Be safe and well,

Lauren Munsch Dal Farra, MD
CEO | PALM Health
9160 Clayton Road, Ladue, Missouri 63124
p: 314-801-8898 |