Changes to Our Services and Operating Hours
Dear Members,
We are all watching the landscape of day-to-day life shift rapidly, and here at PALM Health our thoughts turn to you. We are thinking of you and your families, and how we can best support you in maintaining and growing in well-being during this challenging time.
First, we want to remind you that PALM is here to support you with comprehensive, integrative medical care. Our physicians and nurses are serving members’ needs by phone, on-site (if necessary), and through our newly launched telemedicine service. This range of resources allows us to keep you and your family safe, and to help you navigate the current situation with the security of knowing our medical team is here for you.
While our fitness center and spa are closed during this period, we are happy to announce that we now offer virtual options for a wide range of one-on-one services with experts, including personal training, conditioning options like Pilates and stretching, coaching, counseling, art, and much more. You can book these services with our reception team. Select virtual services are available to book on our PALM Health app.
We continue to care for members with symptoms and conditions such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, heart disease, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and other ongoing issues. To that end, our providers remain available for on-site visits for therapies essential to your physical and mental health, or as part of your treatment program that cannot be done virtually. This week we will launch our online Stress Management Program, and we are also developing other virtual programs. Please see our updated list of services.
The PALM Café is offering meal pickup at our front door, as well as home delivery within a 3-mile radius. Our PALM Market includes a range of items to keep our community nourished, such as Chef Brice’s sourdough and gluten-free breads, jams, and other essentials. Café menus are on our website and market price lists will be posted soon — be sure to check them out!
Another exciting update — PALM’s class programming is also moving online. Beloved class instructors will be posting content to inspire you to keep up with your health goals and stay active while spending more time at home. Details on these offerings will be shared soon.
Please follow us on social media to stay up to date and see your favorite providers giving ideas and inspiration for staying healthy and vibrant in body and mind. You can find us on Facebook, on Instagram, and Twitter.
We are temporarily altering our hours of operation and limiting the number of persons within our center to maintain adequate distancing. Our new center hours as of Monday, March 23 will be Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm. As always, our medical concierge line is available after hours for members of our medical practice experiencing urgent issues.
We know this is a challenging time. Your PALM team and I are here to support and encourage you.
Warmest regards,

Lauren Munsch Dal Farra, MD
CEO | PALM Health
9160 Clayton Road, Ladue, Missouri 63124
p: 314-801-8898 |