Setting SMART Goals

There is a French saying, “c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron,” which translates to “it is smithing that makes the smith,” or “it is in doing that we become.” Working towards meaningful goals is inherently transformative. Accomplishing personal goals improves our sense of purpose, self-efficacy, and satisfaction with life. In this webinar, well-being coach Sarah Lewis will teach you to formulate, set, and take action on your goals using the SMART method and concepts from Anthropedia’s Know Yourself workshops. This will be an interactive webinar: please have a notebook and writing utensil on hand.


Virtual Know Yourself Workshop

Well-being is about having the inner resources to meet stress while being in the midst of it. Our educational Know Yourself Workshops are designed to help you improve your overall well-being, awareness, and resilience to stress. In this virtual workshop, participants are introduced to the groundbreaking Know Yourself DVD curriculum, which offers tools, concepts and self-reflection exercises to help foster calmness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mind-body health. The workshop takes place over three consecutive weeks, with a 90-minute virtual meeting each week (see times and dates below). Each week the Anthropedia Certified Instructor leads workshop participants through the content, offering additional material and reflective exercises to enhance learning.


Stress and the Inner Dialogue

Most of us pay much attention to the external stressors in our life — the day-to-day challenges of work and family life — but are often unaware of how the internal dialogue in our mind can not only amplify stress but be a root cause of it. In this webinar, Dr. Nigel Lester, Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, will discuss the origins, nature, and function of the ever-present inner dialogue and how we can learn to cultivate an inner narrative that works for us, not against us.


Looking Within

Most of the things we do on a given day we do on autopilot. Rarely do we take the time to stop and ask ourselves why we do what we do. Studies have shown that it is precisely this process of growing in awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that allows us to grow in freedom and happiness. Join Well-Being Coach Sarah Lewis for a discussion on the nature of thought, suggestions for becoming more aware of our thoughts, and recommendations for growing in well-being.


Take the Time: The Importance of Silence in Troubled Times

In chaotic and turbulent times like these, it can be difficult to keep your bearings. This webinar with Dr. Kevin Cloninger, Director of Well-Being Coaching at PALM Health, will explore the importance of silence for well-being and discuss how to overcome the obstacles to taking time for yourself in the agitation of modern life.


Hope, Laughter, and Levity in Times of Darkness

Join Anthropedia for a virtual evening of music, comedy, and stories that explore how we can cultivate greater hope, laughter, and levity in times of darkness. Founded by the same leadership team that created PALM Health, Anthropedia is a nonprofit organization that teaches individuals, professionals, and other nonprofits effective ways to cultivate mental health. Anthropedia helps people struggling with issues such as toxic stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression. But more than that, they help people learn how to live a good life, full of meaning and purpose, resilience, and well-being. Your donation helps Anthropedia continue its research, development, training, and coaching.


How a TCI Can Help You in 2022

The year 2022 is expected to be a time of challenge for all of us. Since people grow the most in well-being when they are challenged, this year is a unique opportunity to learn what we can do to live well. In this webinar, Dr. Robert Cloninger will discuss the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), a comprehensive tool he developed in 1993 to assess personality based on the way people learn to adapt to new or difficult situations in life. Through their TCI profile, individuals learn how to improve their adaptive skills and well-being at any age, in any situation.


Setting SMART Goals

There is a French saying, “c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron,” which translates to “it is smithing that makes the smith,” or “it is in doing that we become.” Working towards meaningful goals is inherently transformative. Accomplishing personal goals improves our sense of purpose, self-efficacy, and satisfaction with life. In this webinar, well-being coach Sarah Lewis will teach you to formulate, set, and take action on your goals using the SMART method and concepts from Anthropedia’s Know Yourself workshops. This will be an interactive webinar: please have a notebook and writing utensil on hand.


Dopamine Detox: Separating Fact from Fiction

The latest fad in self-improvement is the so-called “dopamine detox” or “dopamine fasting.” Its proponents promise an instant “reset” of the over-stimulated brain. But what actually is dopamine and what is the science behind this fad? Is it based on a sound theory, or is it just marketing hype? In this webinar, Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, investigates the latest Silicon Valley craze and throws light on the current trends in popular mental health practices.


Managing Stress in Challenging Times

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, it may be time to delve deeper into your mental health to reclaim your well-being. Join Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, for a short webinar and info session about managing stress. Dr. Lester will share a 10-minute overview of our new InSight assessment and plan, which helps participants learn more about themselves, their ability to manage stress, and their current lifestyle choices that may be interfering with their resilience to life’s challenges. There will be a brief question and answer session at the end of the webinar.


Lunch and Learn: What is Well-Being, Really?

Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from Dr. Kevin Cloninger, Director of Well-Being Coaching. The search for greater well-being, greater self-understanding, and greater health and happiness is as old as the hills. Wellness is much more than “self-care,” buying fitness trackers, or doing the latest fad diet, but in the current media environment it is hard to tell. In this presentation, Dr. Kevin Cloninger will look at a more expansive definition of, and approach to, wellness and what is actually needed to improve both mental and physical health. He will also discuss why there is perhaps nothing of greater importance than the search for well-being as we face the multiple overlapping crises of our times.
