
functional medicine

Gaining Clarity on Brain Fog


All of us have probably experienced episodes of brain fog at some point in our lives. It’s not uncommon to forget someone’s name or where you parked the car. However, if you find these incidents happening frequently or on a daily basis, you may be suffering from persistent brain fog.

Gaining Clarity on Brain Fog2020-04-07T11:42:54-05:00

Root Vegetable Salad Recipe from Dr. Varsha Rathod


We all know the importance of washing our hands and social distancing to keep our immune system healthy, but what about improving your immune health from the inside out? Our immune system is linked to our gut microbiome, so maintaining a healthy gut is crucial to preventing illness. Dr. Varsha Rathod, integrative and functional medicine physician, recommends the following recipe for Russian Root Vegetable Salad to support your gut health.

Root Vegetable Salad Recipe from Dr. Varsha Rathod2020-07-30T16:43:51-05:00

Functional Nutrition is the Prescription


We all want to enjoy a long healthy life, yet fad diets are not something you would want to follow for the rest of your life — or should. They’re often exceedingly restrictive nutritionally, difficult to adhere to over time, a bit boring for some people’s tastes and, most troubling, many lack scientific evidence of their medical effectiveness. They could be doing you more harm than good.

Functional Nutrition is the Prescription2020-04-08T09:05:44-05:00

Fasting Fundamentals


Intermittent fasting is a popular topic right now in the wellness community. Should you be fasting, and what is the best way to do it? In this seminar, dietitian Katheryn Scauzzo will describe the basics of fasting, the benefits of abstaining from food for a period of time, and the best techniques for voluntary food restriction. She will also emphasize the importance of fasting under the supervision of a medical professional or registered dietitian for optimal safety.

Fasting Fundamentals2020-02-26T10:42:41-06:00

Unexplained Symptoms


Do you have unexplained symptoms such as hives, dizziness, wheezing, or generalized inflammation? Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) could be the reason. In this Lunch and Learn, Dr. Scott Jamison will introduce the emerging topic of MCAS and the role that abnormal mast cell function can play in producing complicated chronic disease states. MCAS may be an explanation for patients with chronic, previously undiagnosed medical symptoms. Dr. Jamison will discuss treatment standards as well as the importance of taking an individualized care approach, as each person’s symptoms manifest uniquely.

Unexplained Symptoms2020-01-30T16:14:39-06:00

Functional Nutrition


Poor eating and stress-related habits have resulted in high levels of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems in our world today. In this seminar, Victoria Nieveen, registered dietitian and Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner, will take a deeper look into why food matters and address how functional nutrition focuses on the underlying causes of chronic illnesses to lead individuals to a healthier and significantly more sustainable life of quality and wellness.

Functional Nutrition2020-01-30T16:10:54-06:00

Getting to the Root Cause


What is functional medicine, and why do the physicians at PALM Health use this approach? In this seminar, Dr. Scott Jamison, an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, will explain how functional medicine gets to the root cause of illness. Dr. Jamison will address how this diagnostic approach helps resolve underlying medical conditions instead of treating individual symptoms.

Getting to the Root Cause2020-01-17T14:18:12-06:00

Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain


Stem cell therapy uses the regenerative power of stem cells to treat a wide range of orthopedic conditions, including soft tissue injuries involving tendons and ligaments. Dr. Matt Bayes from BlueTail Medical Group will give an overview of stem cell therapy and the benefits of receiving this treatment.

Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain2019-10-21T09:24:28-05:00

Lunch and Learn: Hot Topics in Functional Medicine


In this Lunch and Learn, Hot Topics in Functional Medicine: From Gut Health to Chronic Disease, Dr. Scott Jamison will present the latest trends and critical topics in health today, including autoimmune issues, SIBO, intermittent fasting, the gut-thyroid connection, cancer, and much more. He will discuss how functional medicine can help individuals get to the root cause of their health challenges and will review the core foundations and applications of this systems-based approach to medicine.

Lunch and Learn: Hot Topics in Functional Medicine2019-05-21T16:59:45-05:00

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