
functional medicine

Detoxify Your Mind and Body


Have you ever wondered how our bodies process the chemicals found in our air, on our food, and in products in our homes? What happens when we are exposed to excessive amounts of these chemicals? In our modern, industrialized society, toxins are constantly surrounding us and creating an increased burden on our bodies’ natural detoxification pathways. We may notice these effects in our bodies over time with signs like decreased energy, brain fog, sluggish digestion, skin rashes, headaches, and other potential symptoms.

Detoxify Your Mind and Body2023-03-20T15:04:52-05:00

What to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine


There are a lot of questions surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine right now. What do you need to know about it? In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health physicians will address when the vaccine will be available, who is eligible to receive it, how often individuals will need to be vaccinated, and other concerns.

What to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine2020-12-22T10:07:28-06:00

What We Know Now About COVID-19


There’s a lot of information circulating about COVID-19 right now. What do we know for certain? In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health physicians will address current statistics on the coronavirus, the spectrum of symptoms, medications and supplements for prevention and treatment, the status of a possible vaccination, and concerns about exposure as children head back to school.

What We Know Now About COVID-192020-08-03T12:21:33-05:00

The Impact of Adrenal Fatigue


Are you tired all the time even though you get plenty of sleep? Do you crave salty foods? Do you have frequent body aches or digestive issues? If you experience these as well as a collection of other symptoms, you may have adrenal fatigue. In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health experts will address what adrenal fatigue is, which symptoms indicate adrenal fatigue, what treatment options are available, and which supplements may help heal the body.

The Impact of Adrenal Fatigue2020-07-10T11:16:59-05:00

Detoxification and Elimination After Home Quarantine


If you feel the need to detox after months at home, you’re not the only one. In this live Zoom webinar, our PALM Health doctors will address what toxins are, how they enter our system and affect our health, what symptoms indicate the need to rid the body of toxins, what the difference is between detoxification and elimination, and how to get started with a detoxification protocol.

Detoxification and Elimination After Home Quarantine2020-06-11T15:16:06-05:00

The Link Between Digestion and Immune Health


Could your digestive health be compromising your immune system? Join our PALM Health functional medicine physicians for a live Zoom webinar addressing how the digestive and immune systems are related, what symptoms and signs may indicate if you have leaky gut, how the gut becomes leaky, and what you can do to treat and prevent leaky gut for better health. Send questions for the webinar ahead of time to news@palmhealth.com.

The Link Between Digestion and Immune Health2020-05-20T10:57:41-05:00

Eating Well During COVID-19


Good nutrition is one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle. What are the best ways to support your physical and mental health through diet right now? Join our PALM Health dietitians and physicians for a live webinar addressing how to protect yourself when going to the grocery store, what kinds of foods you should be buying, recipes for nourishing meals, and healthy nutrition habits to establish while at home.

Eating Well During COVID-192021-05-07T11:42:02-05:00

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