

Biohack Your Way to a Healthier Weight


Does it feel increasingly difficult to maintain your weight as you age? If so, there may be a biochemical reason the number on the scale keeps creeping up. As you age, your body becomes much more susceptible to inflammation and less resistant to hormonal and environmental fluctuations.

Biohack Your Way to a Healthier Weight2022-10-18T07:41:43-05:00

Summer Skincare


Join us for a webinar with Shelly Murphy, massage therapist and esthetician at PALM Health, who will address how to refresh your skin as the weather transitions from winter into summer. Shelly will discuss a skincare routine, appropriate products, and tips on how to keep your skin healthy and glowing in the warmer months.

Summer Skincare2022-04-28T09:28:18-05:00

Dopamine Detox: Separating Fact from Fiction


The latest fad in self-improvement is the so-called “dopamine detox” or “dopamine fasting.” Its proponents promise an instant “reset” of the over-stimulated brain. But what actually is dopamine and what is the science behind this fad? Is it based on a sound theory, or is it just marketing hype? In this webinar, Dr. Nigel Lester, psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health at PALM Health, investigates the latest Silicon Valley craze and throws light on the current trends in popular mental health practices.

Dopamine Detox: Separating Fact from Fiction2022-04-28T09:30:05-05:00

Treating Metabolic Syndrome


Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance, refers to a cluster of risk factors that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which may increase your chance of developing serious health conditions. In this webinar, Dr. Karrie Hohn will discuss the root cause of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease and how to treat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome to reduce your risk of developing further health conditions.

Treating Metabolic Syndrome2022-04-28T09:29:30-05:00

Four Ways to Relieve Allergies and Improve Vitality


It’s that time of year again — sneezing, itching, sniffling, and coughing. Chances are, you’re one of the 24 million Americans who experience seasonal allergies, and you’re familiar with the toll it can take on your body. Due to both the symptoms of seasonal allergies, and the physiological process your body goes through when reacting to an allergen, your health can suffer more than usual during this time of year. And oftentimes, allergy medicines only provide temporary relief. It’s important to keep in mind your body’s overall well-being when dealing with allergies, and not just treat the isolated symptoms.

Four Ways to Relieve Allergies and Improve Vitality2022-04-27T09:12:41-05:00

Creating Sustainable Change Through Balanced Living


“Lose ten pounds fast with this diet.” “Get a flat belly in one week.” “Drop five pounds after doing this workout.” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve tried one or two of these diets or quick-fix workout routines with the intention of losing a few pounds, but the number on the scale didn’t budge. Or maybe you lost weight, but had trouble keeping it off later on. Drastic diets, calorie restriction, and over-exercising are some of the most common ways to try and lose weight, but more often than not, the results don’t live up to the hype.

Creating Sustainable Change Through Balanced Living2022-08-30T08:30:30-05:00

Increase Muscle Resilience with Three Simple Stretches


Why should you stretch? Your first thought may be, “to become more flexible.” Understandably, many people discount stretching for this reason, since it is not everyone’s goal to become more flexible. But stretching is one of the most important things you can do for your body's health and fitness.

Increase Muscle Resilience with Three Simple Stretches2022-04-11T18:19:13-05:00

Maintaining Balanced Nutrition


If you find it a struggle to eat healthy and maintain your weight while traveling or eating out, you’re not alone. Join Dr. Karrie Hohn for a short webinar and info session with tips on how to maintain balanced nutrition under challenging circumstances. She will then share a 10-minute overview from Dr. Sita Kedia of PALM’s Balanced Living Program, which helps participants reset their habits, lose weight, and look and feel their best.

Maintaining Balanced Nutrition2022-04-04T08:58:42-05:00

Stretching Best Practices


Why is stretching so essential? What’s the best way to do it quickly and effectively? Learn about the benefits of stretching and the most useful stretches for all the major muscle groups. Heather Walther, PT, has worked with physical therapy clients and professional athletes alike, and will demonstrate correct form and posture in this virtual session. Follow along with each stretch from the comfort of your own home. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing to move around.

Stretching Best Practices2022-04-08T16:04:04-05:00

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