

Core Foundations: Building a Resilient Spine


Join us in the Oak Room for a pop-up class with Dr. Jason Biondo, chiropractor and Director of Fitness at PALM Health. This class will target movements that are foundational to building a healthy back and balanced core. Dr. Biondo will focus on spine stability, mobility, and endurance, as well as functional movements of the hips and lower body that demonstrate the kinetic linkage of the human body.

Core Foundations: Building a Resilient Spine2022-05-26T16:32:37-05:00

Biohack Your Way to a Healthier Weight


Does it feel increasingly difficult to maintain your weight as you age? If so, there may be a biochemical reason the number on the scale keeps creeping up. As you age, your body becomes much more susceptible to inflammation and less resistant to hormonal and environmental fluctuations.

Biohack Your Way to a Healthier Weight2022-10-18T07:41:43-05:00

Creating Sustainable Change Through Balanced Living


“Lose ten pounds fast with this diet.” “Get a flat belly in one week.” “Drop five pounds after doing this workout.” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve tried one or two of these diets or quick-fix workout routines with the intention of losing a few pounds, but the number on the scale didn’t budge. Or maybe you lost weight, but had trouble keeping it off later on. Drastic diets, calorie restriction, and over-exercising are some of the most common ways to try and lose weight, but more often than not, the results don’t live up to the hype.

Creating Sustainable Change Through Balanced Living2022-08-30T08:30:30-05:00

Maintaining Balanced Nutrition


If you find it a struggle to eat healthy and maintain your weight while traveling or eating out, you’re not alone. Join Dr. Karrie Hohn for a short webinar and info session with tips on how to maintain balanced nutrition under challenging circumstances. She will then share a 10-minute overview from Dr. Sita Kedia of PALM’s Balanced Living Program, which helps participants reset their habits, lose weight, and look and feel their best.

Maintaining Balanced Nutrition2022-04-04T08:58:42-05:00

Light, Sleep, and Metabolism


For many, getting a good night’s sleep can be a challenge. However, making healthy and consistent adjustments to sleep habits can help improve the quality of sleep. In this webinar, Dr. Varsha Rathod will dispel certain sleep myths, explain circadian rhythm, address the consequences of poor sleep hygiene, discuss common sleep disturbances, describe treatment options, and provide tips for unlocking your best sleep.

Light, Sleep, and Metabolism2022-02-25T13:13:55-06:00

ProLon® Challenge


Ready to reset, work on your longevity, or lose weight? We invite you to participate in our ProLon® Challenge, a group wellness challenge to help boost metabolism and improve cellular health. The challenge includes a 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet meal kit ($250 value), a digital book of recipes for maintaining a longevity diet post-challenge, a complimentary copy of The Longevity Diet by Dr. Valter Longo, email encouragement throughout the week for motivation and accountability, and the chance to win a PALM Detox Gift Basket ($175 value).

ProLon® Challenge2022-02-24T11:20:14-06:00

How Your Emotions Influence Your Heart Health


Think about a time when you felt angry, anxious, or stressed. Maybe you had a big exam, an argument with a loved one, or a jarring emotional situation. It’s likely that your heart started to race, your breathing became quick and shallow, and you felt yourself start to tremble. Your muscles tensed up. Maybe you even felt dizzy or nauseous.

How Your Emotions Influence Your Heart Health2022-02-23T10:04:56-06:00

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Weight and a Happy Gut


Imagine you’re on a diet, but one day, you have an irresistible craving for a cookie, which isn’t a part of your diet. But you just have to have the cookie, so you decide to eat one. How do you go about eating that cookie? Do you stand over the sink and eat it quickly to get it over with and fulfill your craving? Or do you sit down, put the cookie on a plate, make a cup of tea, and really take the time to savor every bite?

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Weight and a Happy Gut2022-02-10T10:27:56-06:00

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