

Train Your Brain to Stay Calm with NeuroFit


Did you know you can train your brain to develop a skill much in the same way you can train your body to develop a skill? Think back to when you learned how to ride a bike. At first, it probably felt completely foreign to your body. But over time, the more you practiced, your body slowly became used to the feeling of pedaling, keeping your balance, directing the bike, and paying attention to your surroundings. You naturally developed the muscles, coordination, and rhythm needed to stay on the bike. Eventually, it became a habit. It’s actually a very similar process when you are teaching your brain to do something like getting calm, focusing, and regulating your emotions — you have to train it.

Train Your Brain to Stay Calm with NeuroFit2023-05-12T09:19:39-05:00

Lunch and Learn: What’s Your Healthspan? How to Optimize the Aging Process


Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from functional medicine physician Dr. Scott Jamison. When your body ages faster than your chronological age, it can lead to an increased risk for disease, which can impact your longevity. In his presentation, Dr. Jamison will discuss how you can find out your biological age, the key to preventing age-related diseases, and lifestyle changes you can implement now to ensure you have many healthy years ahead.

Lunch and Learn: What’s Your Healthspan? How to Optimize the Aging Process2022-09-28T11:10:31-05:00

Succulent Planting


Learn how to plant and care for a succulent arrangement with Laura Dooley of LoKey Designs. Laura will take you through the step-by-step process of choosing a succulent, handling and planting it, decorating it with natural materials, and watering it. For $45, you will receive one succulent of your choice, one small pot, planting materials, and care instructions to take home. If you prefer to plant multiple succulents, you can receive three succulents and a slightly larger pot for $65. Wine and iced tea will be provided during the workshop.

Succulent Planting2022-12-29T11:36:40-06:00

Art Class: Paint Like Bob Ross


Get inspired by the wisdom of legendary painter Bob Ross. In this art class, you’ll learn how to make happy little clouds from happy accidents. Participants will create a landscape painting using acrylic paints and canvas board. Join Maria Ojascastro, Art for Well-Being instructor, for an afternoon of creativity and joy.

Art Class: Paint Like Bob Ross2022-09-30T11:24:34-05:00

5 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Get Your Nutrition on Track


We get it: making changes to your health habits can feel really overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting out. It’s true, there are a lot of components to managing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, treating underlying conditions, and staying motivated. While all of these components are important to bring to the table if you want to sustain a healthy lifestyle in the long run, there are plenty of ways you can start small and ease yourself into it.

5 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Get Your Nutrition on Track2022-11-10T09:10:17-06:00

How Functional Medicine Digs Deeper


Have you ever had a persistent symptom that just won’t stop bugging you? Maybe you’re struggling with fatigue, or your gut is constantly irritated? The causes of symptoms like these are often hard to get to the bottom of — and believe it or not, sometimes they may be caused by a problem somewhere else in your body that you might think is unrelated. But how do you find the root cause and treat the problem?

How Functional Medicine Digs Deeper2022-09-06T17:18:29-05:00

Lunch and Learn: Maintaining a Healthy Weight


Join us in the Oak Room for a nutritious three-course meal from the PALM Café and a discussion from functional medicine physician Dr. Karrie Hohn. As we age, maintaining a consistently healthy weight can become increasingly challenging. Dr. Hohn will reveal some of the lesser-known factors associated with weight gain and address the reasons why weight maintenance can be such a challenge. She will provide tips to correct course if you’ve noticed your weight creeping up, tools you can use to manage your weight consistently in the long-term, and ways you can balance your lifestyle to give yourself the best chance of success.

Lunch and Learn: Maintaining a Healthy Weight2022-08-29T14:28:59-05:00

Celebrating Women’s Fitness Class Event


In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, Heather Walther will teach a fitness class in the Oak Room that emphasizes the importance of variety in exercise. The first 30 minutes of the class will focus on strength training and sculpting; the next 20 minutes will incorporate yoga and stretching, and the last 10 minutes will include myofascial release. Heather will talk about her intention as a fitness instructor to help women support their body and its tissues, not beat it up or burn it out. Her goal is to help women stay as active as possible for as long as possible, avoiding injury and loving the exercise they do along the way.

Celebrating Women’s Fitness Class Event2022-09-01T08:16:11-05:00

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