Art Class: Gelli Plate Printmaking

In this art class, we’ll use Pablo Picasso’s “Bottle of Suze” as our inspiration and Gelli Plate printmaking as our medium. Both novice and experienced artists will enjoy stretching their creativity with artist Maria Ojascastro. You’ll learn design concepts and receive guidance on making your own unique artwork that represents one portion of your life.


Intro to Tai Chi Pop-Up Class

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial-arts practice focused on movement and meditation that is enjoyed around the world by people of all ages. Its benefits include improved balance and strength, increased energy, and better mood and sleep quality. Our personal trainer Brent Haddock spent a year studying Tai Chi at the Kunyu Shan Kung Fu Academy in China, and he’s bringing his expertise to PALM with a pop-up class! In this Intro to Tai Chi class, Brent will lead you through 15-20 minutes of qigong (coordinated movements with breathing and meditation) to cultivate your qi, or your energy. Then, you’ll spend the remainder of the class learning the basic form and movements of Tai Chi, which is a more specific form of qigong that focuses on balance, joint strength, and mobility.


Benefits of Our Top Supplements

Nutritional supplements are intended to replenish deficiencies in the body and add further nutritional value to “supplement” the diet. Supplements promote wellness by addressing dysfunction at the root cause and treating the body as a complex and dynamic biological system. In this in-person seminar in the Oak Room, dietitian Christaney Townsend will discuss who would benefit most from taking supplements and the importance of ensuring they are high-quality. You’ll receive Christaney’s list of our top 10 most recommended supplements to consider taking, and you’ll have a chance to win a bundle of three of our PALM Essential supplements.


Art Class: Printmaking and Poetry

Ever wondered where artists and poets get their inspiration? Well, sometimes art inspires art! Get in touch with both your visual and poetic side in a unique Printmaking and Poetry art class with Maria Ojascastro, in which you’ll explore the process of monoprint techniques with Gelli plates to create multiple prints with varying textures, colors, and forms. You’ll then use your monoprints to inspire a written poem! Whether you are a new or seasoned artist, this multidisciplinary class will help you step further out of your creative comfort zone.


Intro to Tai Chi Pop-Up Class

Now a monthly class! Tai Chi is a Chinese martial-arts practice focused on movement and meditation that is enjoyed around the world by people of all ages. Its benefits include improved balance and strength, increased energy, and better mood and sleep quality. Our personal trainer Brent Haddock spent a year studying Tai Chi at the Kunyu Shan Kung Fu Academy in China, and he’s bringing his expertise to PALM. In this class, Brent will lead you through 15-20 minutes of qigong (coordinated movements with breathing and meditation) to cultivate your qi, or your energy. Then, you’ll spend the remainder of the class learning the basic form and movements of Tai Chi, which is a more specific form of qigong that focuses on balance, joint strength, and mobility.


Pop-Up Class: Catey’s Strength Training Essentials for Women

Calling all the ladies: did you know that strength training is one of the most impactful things you can do for your health as you age? The more muscle you have on your body, the more you can retain your bone density during and after menopause. Plus, increasing your strength leads to a higher resting metabolism, decreased risk of injury, and many other benefits. In this pop-up class, personal trainer Catey McKean will teach you how to structure your reps and sets in a strength workout and take you through a mid-to-heavy-weight circuit that hits each muscle group so you can get a workout in and leave feeling empowered to continue training for better strength.


A Dietitian’s Essential Nutrition Tips for Women

The female body experiences several hormonal changes during its lifespan. From menstruation to pregnancy to breastfeeding to menopause and more, women’s bodies face unique fluctuations and challenges and are often at an increased risk for nutritional deficiencies during these times. It is vital for women to adapt to their changing nutritional needs and make sure they are getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals at each stage of life. Join dietitian Christaney Townsend for a talk on essential nutrition tips for optimal women’s health to learn how women can properly nourish their body throughout their life.


Pop-Up Class: 9 Ways to Train Your Pelvic Floor for Better Feminine Health

It’s time to get personal about a very important part of women’s health: pelvic health. Your pelvic floor impacts conditions related to your urinary or excretory system, sexual health, organ prolapse, and pelvic pain — but luckily, your pelvic floor is something you can strengthen with a specific kind of training. Join our women’s pelvic floor training class with personal trainer Cindy Vickers to learn and practice the essential exercises that will help strengthen and stretch your pelvis and pelvic floor, as well as breathing and posture techniques that also contribute to pelvic health.


Strength and Conditioning Class

Let’s lay a solid foundation for a strength training routine! Learn from strength training expert Catey McKean about the basics, including proper form and reps, and how to structure your workout. Catey will take you through a set of circuits with stations dedicated to each muscle group, starting with a lower-body circuit followed by an upper-body circuit. This class will make you sweat and lay the groundwork for you to continue strength training in the future.


Art Class: Beauty in the Details

Have you ever noticed that the beauty of an image is often in its smallest, almost unnoticeable details? In our upcoming art class, you’ll have the opportunity to find those little details and extrapolate them into a piece of your making. Join instructor and artist Maria Ojascastro for an art class in which you’ll learn how to zoom into a snippet of an image and create your own unique work of art out of it using colored pencils on black paper.
